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FREE Bionics Beijing

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FREE Bionics Beijing


Company introduction

The Journey began with the first team of scientists in ITRI Taiwan dedicated to develop exoskeletons. Since then, we continue to overcome obstacles and challenge the impossibilities. With the 2016 R&D 100 award, in 2017 FREE Bionics Inc spun off from ITRI and became the first independent company in Taiwan in R&D of the powered exoskeletons/ exo-suits. developing exoskeleton bionic technology products. The FREE Bionics Inc. team is committed to find better solutions for disabilities through technological advancements. We believe in our principle to make the world the better place for all. From being the first among the Chinese market to being the first in the world. Free Bionics Inc. inherited the researching spirits from ITRI and strive to become the very best company in providing products and services for the disabled.